Web Design Terms and Conditions

After payment has been successfully remitted, you will be sent a design build form that must be filled up in 5-7 business days. Sending the accomplished build form will prompt the following terms and conditions:

dotPH has the option to use images found or provided by the customer, our personal image archive or the internet. For any images that require purchasing by dotPH, you will be informed of the cost. Once approved, a separate invoice will be sent to you. Images requiring purchase will be watermarked until all costs have been paid. Invoice for purchased images must be settled within the mockup approval period before continuing to create the full website.

The client will be responsible for checking all typographical errors (spelling and grammar) within the content.

dotPH will build your website based on, but not limited to, pictures and information provided in the official build form and/or other forms of communication.

Images and videos provided in the build form must be labeled accordingly and be of the highest procurable resolution. Videos must only be in either Youtube or Vimeo format, those in other formats will not be considered.

dotPH will first create the website with a mockup showing the first page compatible in desktop, tablet and mobile form. The mockup will be presented to you after 3-5 working days. The mockup presented will comprise minimal content, and will concentrate on the primary design concept of the website. We will then proceed with building your site once we have your approval of the presented mockup.

You will be given 5 working days to edit, comment, and approve the mockup, before we continue to develop a full build of the website. Edits, comments or approval should be sent via email. dotPH will deduct 1 day from your annual subscription for each working day in excess of the 5 working day allowance to give feedback on the mockup.

dotPH defines an edit as a revision to content that does not require a change in graphics, layout or the creation of additional pages. A change is defined as any revision that requires the alteration and/or the creation of a new graphic design, template or layout. Tasks that are considered changes are the following: pop-up modals, additional pages, adjustment of the navigational menu & footer menu(regarding its layout), and additional sections. Each change request is considered an "additional page" and is subject to a fee of $70 per additional page before dotPH performs said change request. For any additional edits done to the website after launch, you may either choose to revise manually or purchase the Retainer add-on. Changes to the site are not applicable to the Retainer add-on. If dotPH is making the edits under the Retainer add-on, your access to the website’s editor will be disabled. Once you have approved the finished edits, only then can you regain access to the website.

After receiving approval of the mockup, dotPH will create the full build of the website based on the approved upon mockup, which will take within 14-30 working days. You will be sent a link to the full build for you to give feedback for edits to the content. However, any changes requested be made to the website that were not provided in the initial mockup, build form or prior communications will be completed at a cost of $15 USD per change.

You will be given 7 working days to send comments, edits or approval of the full build. Comments, edits, or approval should be sent via email. dotPH will deduct 1 day on your annual subscription for each working day in excess of the 7 working day allowance to give feedback on the full build. Any edits given on the full build will be addressed by dotPH within 7-14 business days.

dotPH emphasizes that the entire Web Design Package and its add-ons are NON-REFUNDABLE, regardless of whether or not you decide to proceed with building a website.

The Web Design Service and the Additional Page Add-on must be paid in full upfront. Hosting services and other Add-Ons will be subject to a renewal charge for an additional year at the listed price in effect at the time of renewal.

Your annual subscription will officially start after you approve the full build and dotPH publishes your website. The subscription expiration date will be deducted on penalties incurred during the mockup and full build phases of the web design service.

Failure to pay the applicable annual fees under the Web Design Package will result in suspension of services.

If the service is acquired under a promo, discounts or deductions will only be applicable within the given period. Pricing will return to its regular rate once the promo period has expired and the annual charge has been renewed.

As you are allowed to provide outside links/and or third party applications or websites, dotPH will not be held responsible if these are not compatible with the created website.

dotPH will only provide you access to the website after it has been made live. Once the website has been launched, any changes made by the client to the website that result in errors, glitches or anything similar, will not be a responsibility of dotPH. dotPH will resolve these issues at an additional cost.

dotPH will use email and Facebook messaging for any form of communication with you.

dotPH makes no guarantees that any of its products or services will directly increase your business profit or expand your company.

If in any case you harass or abuse our staff, you will be reprimanded and we will request that you conduct yourself professionally. dotPH also reserves the right to cease doing business with you.

dotPH reserves the right to decline projects that contain discriminatory, violent or sexually explicit content.

It is the client’s responsibility to ensure that the content of their website will not infringe intellectual property such as but not limited to trademark, copyright, or patents.

All terms and conditions above are subject to change at any time without prior notice. Revised terms and conditions shall be posted on this page immediately.

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